Declaration on the recent events at Cuba
The Society for Political Economy and Critical Thought in Latin America – SEPLA, strongly rejects the campaign unleashed in the international media, as well as in social networks, promoted by the Cuban-American mafia residing in Miami together with reactionary sectors residing in Europe, calling for an uprising against the Cuban government and the revolution, while at the same time insisting on the call for a “humanitarian” intervention based on the increase in infections in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
In this regard, we recall that when former US President Eisenhower was consulted about the purposes pursued by the blockade illegally and unilaterally imposed by the terrorist State of the United States against Cuba, he without hesitation responded “the purpose is that the Cuban people , starving to rise up against the government ”. The criminal policy that imperialism has been supporting towards the Cuban revolution for more than half a century, from terrorist attacks such as Operation Mongoose, Peter Pan, the demolition of the Cubana de aviación flight, the burning of the cane fields, and, above all, The blockade, among many other facts, have not been able to date with the resolution of the Cuban people to be free, the revolution expresses the synthesis of the struggle of the Cuban people for their emancipation and the construction of a more just society, without exploiters or oppressed.
The Cuban people today, as well as the rest of the world, are going through a delicate situation derived from the pandemic and the global health crisis, but above all, due to the intensification of the blockade that with the imposition of more than 240 measures that suffocate the economy. Cuba, implemented by the Trump government and that have not been lifted by the Biden administration, restrict Cuba’s access to medicines and basic supplies to face the pandemic, as evidenced by the impossibility of a shipment with donations of medical supplies to Cuba could not enter the territory due to the legal provisions derived from the Helms-Burton Law that regulate the blockade.
However, despite the criminal siege, Cuba has managed to develop five vaccine candidates, two of them of similar efficacy to those vaccines developed by large biopharmaceutical corporations. There is no greater violation of human rights than the genocidal blockade, the one that seeks to bend the will of a people that has resolved to be free and build a socialist society.
Unconditional solidarity with the Cuban government, with its people and its revolution!
Board of Directors of SEPLA
Our America, July 12, 2021
Declaration in PDF format

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