
The economists of Latin American Political Economy and Critical Thinking Society reaffirm the manifesto approved at the time of its founding in October 13, 2005, at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, noting that:

“We need a development that favors real social inclusion , universalized public services and goods, the elimination of inequalities, raising quality of life and the integration of our sister nations that rescues sovereignty, dignity and the pride of our continent.

This requires waging a tough fight against neoliberalism, economic orthodoxy and against all forms of imperialism. It also  demands to strive with all our strength against governments who, elected from programs that promised change and that provided a rebirth of hope, thwarted those expectations and have become benchmarks of neoliberal policies”.

As part of this vision, SEPLA sustains its total rejection of the treaties that subordinate our sovereignty, democracy and economy to the interests of big transnational capital, what becomes particularly serious when, in addition, that is done in absolute secrecy, at the backs of the peoples, as does the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA).

The TISA proposes the extension of the liberalization process, which has already been imposed in our societies, for the scope of services. This agreement is in advanced negotiation process in some of our countries.

Therefore, aware of our historical, political and ethical responsibilities, and fulfilling the goals that mark our statute, we denounce this process, and we make available, in the form of attachments, a set of reserved TiSA documents, illustrating the danger that this treaty provides for our societies, so that those willing to fight to defend the interests of our peoples can use them for these purposes.

Attachments :

SEPLA  Ouramerica, May 22, 2015 AmericaThe economists of Latin American Political Economy and Critical Thinking Society reaffirm the manifesto approved at the time of its founding in October 13, 2005, at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, noting that: 'We need a development that favors real social inclusion , universalized public services and goods, the...Sociedade de Economia Política Latinoamericana