Solidarity with Bolivia
The Society of Political Economy and Critical Thinking of Latin America (SEPLA), joins the diverse voices and social and political forces of Bolivia, Our America and the world, to demand respect for the electoral results of the Plurinominal State of Bolivia, which determined the democratic triumph of President Evo Morales and his Vice President Álvaro García Linera, in the first round, through the majority vote of the Bolivian people. This popular decision expresses broad support for the democratic advances promoted and materialized by the MAS government at the head of the first indigenous president. In this sense, we reject the coup attempts and destabilizers driven by reactionary forces protected by foreign powers and interests, especially from the United States.
The government of President Evo Morales, supported by a broad social and popular mass that supports it, has achieved recognition of the multiculturalism of Bolivian society and the construction and consolidation of the autonomous and sovereign Plurinational State. This has allowed the expansion of the social and popular participation of the indigenous majority of its population by widening social and economic democracy, and reversing the racism and social discrimination that relegated it for 500 years. And it is precisely this democratic expansion that today tries to be unknown by the opposition forces.
In just fifteen years the indigenous government managed to reverse social injustice by reducing the index of inequality in income distribution. Today Bolivia is recognized by different international agencies as the country that has achieved a greater reduction in poverty worldwide (moderate poverty went from 59.6% to 34.6% and the extreme from 36.7% to 15.2 %). It also highlights 100% of pension coverage, greater life expectancy, falling unemployment, the highest level of GDP growth in South America, the lowest levels of inflation, the lowest external public debt in percentages of GDP and higher international monetary reserves, just to mention a few issues. These results are samples of sovereign, democratic and anti-capitalist economic policies.
And it is precisely these results that benefit the impoverished and precarious classes that pretend to ignore the reactionary and destabilizing forces that deny the legal and legitimate victory of President Evo Morales on October 20. In this regard, we denounce the orchestrated coup d’etat plan, which has been supported by organizations such as the OAS, the US government, the European Union, which through media pressures demand the development of a second round, openly ignoring the will popular expressed at the polls.
We demand respect for the self-determination of the peoples, we reject the coup attempts and express all our solidarity with the elected president Evo Morales and his vice president Álvaro García Linera and with the Bolivian people.
Nuestra América, 5 de noviembre de 2019
SEPLA’s Board
Camille Chalmers (Haiti), Julio Gambina (Argentina), Josefina Morales (México),Antonio Elias(Uruguay), Marina Machado (Brazil), Carolina Jimenez(Colombia),Niemeyer Almeida Filho(Brazil), Lila Molinier (Paraguay) AmericaParaguay Chapter in EnglishstatementsThe Society of Political Economy and Critical Thinking of Latin America (SEPLA), joins the diverse voices and social and political forces of Bolivia, Our America and the world, to demand respect for the electoral results of the Plurinominal State of Bolivia, which determined the democratic triumph of President Evo...SEPLA seplalatinoamerica@gmail.comAdministratorSEPLA![Sociedade de Economia Política Latinoamericana](
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