
The Society of Political Economy and Critical Thinking of Latin America (SEPLA) categorically condemns the Coup d’Etat in Bolivia

In the face of resistance against neoliberalism and capitalism in Our America, a shameful coup has culminated today against the government of President Evo Morales and his vice president Álvaro García Linera, democratically reelected in the first round, through the majority vote of the Bolivian people. With the support of the main candidate defeated, Carlos Mesa, with the support of the United States, with the support of the right-wing coup governments in the region and with the backing of the OAS, a wave of violence, mobilization and threats was unleashed, and yesterday got to the point of the burning of the homes of family members of the government components and of the threat from the Bolivian Army to wage a classic coup d'etat. In the face of open violence, President Evo Morales and his companions have decided to resign from the Presidency in order to guarantee the safety of the population and openly denounce the coup. Bolivia faces an unconventional war, which is part of the new foreign policy corollary of the United States of America at this stage of open offensive of the ruling classes towards the peoples of the world. The coup in Bolivia is capitalist, racist, misogynist…
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Solidarity with Bolivia

The Society of Political Economy and Critical Thinking of Latin America (SEPLA), joins the diverse voices and social and political forces of Bolivia, Our America and the world, to demand respect for the electoral results of the Plurinominal State of Bolivia, which determined the democratic triumph of President Evo Morales and his Vice President Álvaro García Linera, in the first round, through the majority vote of the Bolivian people. This popular decision expresses broad support for the democratic advances promoted and materialized by the MAS government at the head of the first indigenous president. In this sense, we reject the coup attempts and destabilizers driven by reactionary forces protected by foreign powers and interests, especially from the United States. The government of President Evo Morales, supported by a broad social and popular mass that supports it, has achieved recognition of the multiculturalism of Bolivian society and the construction and consolidation of the autonomous and sovereign Plurinational State. This has allowed the expansion of the social and popular participation of the indigenous majority of its population by widening social and economic democracy, and reversing the racism and social discrimination that relegated it for 500 years. And it is precisely this democratic…
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SEPLA’s Statment on International Women’s Day

SEPLA - COMUNICADO 8M QUE VIVA LA LUCHA DE LAS MUJERES!!! En este 8 de Marzo, la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Economía Política y Pensamiento Crítico (SEPLA) viene sumarse a la lucha de todas las mujeres por el fin de la división sexual del trabajo basada en la explotación del trabajo femenino y por el fin de la violencia contra nuestros cuerpos y nuestras vidas. El capitalismo es racista y patriarcal. Las inmensas cantidades de trabajo necesarias cotidianamente a la reproducción de nuestras vidas pero no mercantilizadas son esenciales a la reproducción capitalista y son realizadas alrededor del orbe mayoritariamente por mujeres. Somos las mujeres las responsables por cocinar, cuidar lxs niños y ancianxs, arreglar la casa. En Nuestra América, las mujeres destinamos al trabajo no remunerado un promedio de 37 horas semanales, mientras que los varones sólo 13 horas (CEPAL, Observatorio de igualdad de género). De no ser mercantilizado, este trabajo no entra a la formación del valor de la fuerza de trabajo en general, aunque sea esencial para reproducirla. La explotación del trabajo doméstico femenino es esencial a la reproducción capitalista. A la vez, de no ser siempre mercantilizado, el cuidado y el femenino crean prácticas solidarias y comunitarias…
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